EPOS System: How To Make Sure You Get The Right One


Before choosing to rent or buy an EPOS system you need to decide what you need from it. System features vary widely from manufacturer to manufacturer and include software and hardware components.


EPOS System


Advantages Of EPOS Sytems Over Traditional Cash Tills

EPOS stands for Electronic Point Of Sale Here are the top 5 ways an EPOS system beats a cash till:


Faster Order Processing For Both Cash & Cards

Instantly Updated Inventory

Ability to track sales over time

Ability to quickly adjust prices

Reduce Employee Theft

Business That Can Benefit From An EPOS System

While most businesses could likely benefit from an EPOS system, they are most commonly found in the following establishments:


·         Pubs and Bars

·         Restaurants and takeaways

·         Retail shops

·         Hotels, Hostels and B&Bs

·         Convenience Shops and Off-licenses

·         Grocery stores

·         Newsagents

·         Pharmacies

·         Dry Cleaners

·         Cinemas

·         and any other business that deals with customers face-to-face

You should keep in mind that most EPOS suppliers make bespoke systems for all sorts of different businesses. For example,a small dry cleaners probably has vastly different needs than a large 300 room hotel.


Common EPOS System Components

An EPOS system components vary depending on what type of business it will be used in and include both software and hardware. They can handle everything from card payments to complicated web integration depending on its configuration.


